
Toti utilizatorii de vehicule pota avea probleme serioase din cauza Unghiul mort de vizibilitate. Cu cat este mai mare vehiculul cu atat mai mare este si aria unghiului mort. In cazul autobuzelor , unghiul mort poate ascunde vizibilitatea fata de pietoni, bicilisti sau chiar masini. Sistemul de monitorizare THOREB BIRD VIEW, ofera o imagine virtuala de 360° de jur imprejurul vehiculului, din perspectiva unui privitor virtual aflat deasupra vehiculului..

The technology assists drivers to park more easily, as well as survey the area around the vehicle. The system is an invaluable assistance when turning corners with crowded pavements, lane driving, or driving where it is very narrow. So the safety and convenience increases for drivers, pedestrians and other road users.


Driver benefits 

  • High-resolution images in real-time
  • Front and rear camera views
  • no more blind spots
  • Valuable overview of the situation all around the vehicle
  • Get the rear-view camera image when shifting to the reverse gear


 With Bird View, the driver will get rid of all blind spots.