
Thoreb are o serie de soluții pentru a îmbunătăți postul de conducere al şoferului prin ajutarea acestuia în activitatea sa zilnică dar şi prin suportul acestuia în relaţia cu pasagerii. Interfaţa Thoreb pentru şoferi, oferă o gamă largă de afisaje, compatibile cu diferite tipuri de proiecte. În aceiaşi măsură, Thoreb are în portofoliu o gamă variată de panouri de bord, în care sunt integrate până la 96 de comutatoare, care pot fi integrate cu sistemul ELSY.

Our vehicle computers can control a wide range of peripherals while at the same time the number of user interfaces are kept to a minimum. Settings made in and information from the vehicle computer can be distributed to other parts of the vehicle system. A few examples of what is possible: controlling destination and line number signs, keeping track of the vehicle’s GPS position, measuring distance travelled (part of Thorebs onboard AVL system), replacing warning and control lamps, working as CAN interface for engine and gear box diagnostics, alarming the driver and service staff when malfunctions occur, handling and storing MP3-files for announcements and communication via voice and text messages with traffic managers.


Extensive integration

  • Vehicle diagnostics
  • Climate control
  • Video surveillance
  • Line and destination signs
  • Warning and control lamps
  • GPS navigation
  • Automatic audible announcements
  • Voice and text messages between driver and traffic managers


Thoreb gives the driver full control over the entire vehicle and ensures that they can drive without unacceptable interruptions which results in greater passenger comfort.